“Checkmate the Enemy: Adversarial Reasoning for Defense Systems”Dr. Boris Stilman, University of Colorado Denver, USA & STILMAN Advanced Strategies, USA |
Linguistic Geometry (LG) is a type of game theory scalable to solving complex real world problems that are considered intractable by conventional approaches. Modern applications of LG, related to defense, generate, in real time, courses of action that are highly creative and even exceed the level of those developed by human commanders. Currently, those applications considered vital for the US national defense. This talk will consist of two surveys. In the first survey, going backward in time, I will review applications of LG, from modern battles to the ancient ones. I will introduce participants to several advanced applications; especially those developed for DARPA and US Army and to major experiments utilized those applications. I will also establish link between LG and legendary ancient battles of Alexander the Great and Hannibal. In the second survey, going forward in time, I will cover development of LG beginning from the 18th century to the foundation of STILMAN Advanced Strategies in 1999. Within this survey, I will introduce participants to the results in solving chess endgames and positions and to the elements of the theory of LG with the focus on the hierarchy of pictorial constructs, a trajectory, a zone, and a translation, represented as a hierarchy of formal languages. I will conclude this talk by introducing the hypothesis that LG is one of the ancient algorithms based directly on the Primary Language of the human brain crucial for development of human intelligence.
Boris Stilman received MS in Mathematics from Moscow State University, Russia, and two PhDs in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from National Research Institute for Electrical Engineering, Russia. In 1972-1988, based on his 17-year experience in the research project PIONEER led by a former World Chess Champion Professor Mikhail Botvinnik, Dr. Stilman developed Linguistic Geometry (LG), a new theory for solving abstract board games. In 1991-2018, Dr. Stilman continued development of the theory and applications of LG at the University of Colorado. A leap in the development LG was made in 1999, when he (with a group of scientists and engineers) founded STILMAN Advanced Strategies, LLC. A growing number of applications of LG developed at STILMAN passed comprehensive testing and powered intelligent defense systems around the world. In 2010, Dr. Stilman broadened the scope of his research on intelligent systems via investigating the structure of the Primary Language of the human brain.
Dr. Stilman published several books and over 200 research papers. He is a recipient of numerous R&D awards. More information about Dr. Stilman and his research can be found at http://www.stilman-strategies.com/bstilman/boris_papers/RESUME.pdf